Houdini Network

True Magic

The Houdini Network is dedicated to creating a dynamic community of diverse and authentic individuals who share their unique talents, stories, and insights in an engaging TV-like format. Our mission is to celebrate the art of genuine and creativity people, connect people through shared experiences, and inspire a sense of wonder and curiosity in our audience.

Where To Watch

Tv Network

Here You Will Be Able To Find All Of The Shows You Love Right Here Ready For You To Dive And To Explore the Magic


Need Help on your creative journey?

As you can see we love to make our shows, but what we really love is to be able to help you out and get you in the best position to take those opportunities and turn them into success

What We Do

We are here for you

We do a lot at Houdini Network! Even though we do a lot we are ultimately here for you and the community. Here are all the services we provide and the area of expertise that we have. We have a diverse group of talents and clients that we care for affectively so in return the work we do for them is effectively different and more appreciate amongst others



Here at the Houdini Network we have a range of skills that would benefit you. We make our own commercials, shorts, podcast editing, and do our own marketing. We have an array of skills at your disposal for an unbeatable price. All prices listed are the minimum prices, if you have a bigger budget feel free to send us your name and details of the project on the next page so we can work with you

Tell us how can we help you!!!

Tell Us Who You Are

Got a project?

Do you want to be on a platform that not only is consistent, but values geninue creators? Well looks like you found them! Tell us who you are and what you do so we can see what we can do for you!

houdini Network Every Monday @6p

Don't Forget to watch!!!

Thank you for stopping by and letting your curiosity lead you to this point! There is a lot of content and information coming to you so stay informed and follow the Houdini Network on any of your favorite social media platforms to stay up on all the new updates!

our work, Sponsors, and achievements